Dear Readers,
It has been a little quiet on NHC for a few months, so it seemed time for an update.
A few Anglican.Center projects have been in development, but I have no specific timeline, but hopefully a release or two in 2024. Some uncertainty is because of new and exciting commitments:
I have been involved in two search processes that completed in December 2023. First, my commitment to the lengthy search process for the Bishop Coadjutor of the Diocese of All Saints, which began in March 2023, finished in mid-December as we forwarded finalists to the MDAS Standing Committee. Second, I have been in the mutual discernment process for a call to serve as Rector at Trinity Anglican Church in Marysville, CA (Diocese of San Joaquin). On Christmas Eve 2023, I accepted the parish’s call and am looking forward to begin serving in February.
Homilies for the parish are located here:
For those who already knew of these developments, thank you for your sustaining prayers!