This is an upcoming project aimed at producing material for the benefit of the orthodox Catholic Anglican faith.1
For complementary sites, please visit Earth & Altar and North American Anglican; for a print magazine, consider subscribing to Forward in Christ Magazine2
The vision for this project is to bring the theological and pastoral spirit of the Oxford Movement (called Tractarianism) into a modern context. A sort of aggiornamento of traditional catholic Anglicanism, as much as a ressourcement of the Oxford Movement. Content will hopefully include topics of theology (pastoral, biblical, &c), engagement with the public sphere, art, and poetry. Fiction, by way of short story, may also be considered. We are gauging interest in this project by way of mailing list subscriptions; please do subscribe above.
Very much in early stages of development, and we are gauging and gathering interest, mostly by way of signups for this mailing list.
The hope is to publish introductory content no earlier than Fall 2021. If there is enough interest, and interested contributors, then print editions of material may be possible.
Update: first release in PDF and print is here:
A Catholic Anglican Altar Book
The second hardcopy-only release is here:
Clergy Service Cards for the Celebration of Eucharist